Berkeley CS61B 课程实验和项目
Data Structures 数据结构
CS 61B Spring 2021 Data Structures 数据结构
Berkeley CS61A 课程实验和项目
The CS 61 series is an introduction to Computer Science, with particular emphasis on software and machines from a programmer’s point of view. CS 61A covered high-level approaches to problem-solving, providing you with a variety of ways to organize solutions to programming problems as compositions of functions, collections of objects, or sets of rules. In CS 61B, we move to a somewhat more detailed (and to some extent, more basic) level of programming.
In CS 61A, the correctness of a program was our primary goal. In CS 61B, we’re also concerned with engineering. An engineer, it is said, is someone who can do for a dime what any fool can do for a dollar. Much of CS 61B will be concerned with the tradeoffs in time and memory for a variety of methods for structuring data. We’ll also be concerned with the engineering knowledge and skills needed to build and maintain moderately large programs.